Pharmacogenetics and Genomics Impact Factor in Pharmaceutics Journals

Pharmacogenetics and Genomics in Pharmaceutics Journals

Journal Country: United States
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd.
History: 2005-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 17446880, 17446872

Research Categories

Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics (miscellaneous) (Q1); Genetics (Q3); Genetics (clinical) (Q3); Molecular Biology (Q3); Molecular Medicine (Q3)

Impact Score: 2.54
h-Index: 148
SJR: 0.486
Ranking: 10597

About Pharmacogenetics and Genomics

Aim and ScopePharmacogenetics and Genomics is devoted to the rapid publication of research papers, brief review articles and short communications on genetic determinants in response to drugs and other chemicals in humans and animals. The Journal brings together papers from the entire spectrum of biomedical research and science, including biochemistry, bioinformatics, clinical pharmacology, clinical pharmacy, epidemiology, genetics, genomics, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmaceutical sciences, and toxicology. Under a single cover, the Journal provides a forum for all aspects of the genetics and genomics of host response to exogenous chemicals: from the gene to the clinic.

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