Molecular Pharmaceutics Impact Factor in Pharmaceutics Journals
Molecular Pharmaceutics in Pharmaceutics Journals
Journal Country: United States
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: American Chemical Society
History: 2004-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 15438384, 15438392
Research Categories
Drug Discovery (Q1); Pharmaceutical Science (Q1); Molecular Medicine (Q2)
About Molecular Pharmaceutics
Aim and ScopeMolecular Pharmaceutics publishes the results of original research that contributes significantly to the molecular mechanistic understanding of drug delivery and drug delivery systems. The journal encourages contributions describing research at the interface of drug discovery and drug developmentScientific areas within the scope of the journal include physical and pharmaceutical chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics, molecular and cellular biology, and polymer and materials science ad they relate to drug and drug delivery system efficacy. Theoretical and experimental peer-reviewed communications, full-length research papers, brief articles, and critical reviews are welcomed.
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