Trends in Neurosciences Impact Factor in Neuroscience Journals
Trends in Neurosciences in Neuroscience Journals
Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Elsevier Ltd.
History: 1978-2022
Journal Homepage: Not Available
Journal ISSN: 03785912, 01662236, 1878108X
Research Categories
Neuroscience (miscellaneous) (Q1)
About Trends in Neurosciences
Aim and ScopeFor over twenty five years, TINS has been among the leading current awareness journals in basic neurosciences (Impact Factor, 14.475), publishing succinct and readable articles in a monthly magazine format. The field of neuroscience has a relentless stream of exciting new developments, but with our short Reviews, Opinions (review-length articles, but more progressive and forward-looking) and our shorter Research Focus articles, keeping abreast of the latest ideas is easy. Aimed at researchers, students and teachers, our articles are always authoritative, written by both leaders in the field and rising stars.
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