Nanotoxicology Impact Factor in Nanotechnology
Nanotoxicology in Nanotechnology
Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Informa Healthcare
History: 2007-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 17435390, 17435404
Research Categories
Toxicology (Q1); Biomedical Engineering (Q2); Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Q2)
About Nanotoxicology
Aim and ScopeNanotoxicology invites contributions addressing research relating to the potential for human and environmental exposure, hazard and risk associated with the use and development of nano-structured materials. In this context, the term nano-structured materials has a broad definition, including ‘materials with at least one dimension in the nanometer size range’. These nanomaterials range from nanoparticles and nanomedicines, to nano-surfaces of larger materials and composite materials.
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