Microbes and Infection Impact Factor in Microbiology

Microbes and Infection in Microbiology

Journal Country: United States
Journal Q tier: Q2
Publishing Firm: Elsevier USA
History: 1989, 1999-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 1769714X, 12864579

Research Categories

Immunology (Q2); Infectious Diseases (Q2); Microbiology (Q2)

Impact Score: 5.36
h-Index: 151
SJR: 1.059
Ranking: 3835

About Microbes and Infection

Aim and ScopeMicrobes and Infection publishes 15 peer-reviewed issues per year in all fields of infection and immunity, covering the different levels of host-microbe interactions, and in particular:- the molecular biology and cell biology of the crosstalk between hosts (human and experimental animals) and microbes (viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungi), including molecular virulence and evasion mechanisms. - the immune response to infection, including pathogenesis and host susceptibility. - emerging human infectious diseases. - molecular epidemiology/genetics of host pathogen interactions. - vaccine development, including novel strategies and adjuvants. Clinical studies, accounts of clinical trials and biomarker studies in infectious diseases are within the scope of the journal.

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