Medical Microbiology and Immunology Impact Factor in Microbiology

Medical Microbiology and Immunology in Microbiology

Journal Country: Germany
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Springer Verlag
History: 1971-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 14321831, 03008584

Research Categories

Medicine (miscellaneous) (Q1); Immunology (Q2); Immunology and Allergy (Q2); Microbiology (medical) (Q2)

Impact Score: 4.88
h-Index: 69
SJR: 1.045
Ranking: 3924

About Medical Microbiology and Immunology

Aim and ScopeMedical Microbiology and Immunology covers all aspects of the interrelationship between infectious agents and their hosts. Among the major topics covered are microbial and viral pathogenesis and the immunological host response to infections. The journal also publishes information from other fields of microbiology, including mycology and parasitology.

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