Soldagem e Inspecao Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

Soldagem e Inspecao in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: Brazil
Journal Q tier: Q4
Publishing Firm: Universidade Federal de Uberlandia
History: 2008-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 19806973, 01049224

Research Categories

Mechanical Engineering (Q4); Mechanics of Materials (Q4); Metals and Alloys (Q4)

Impact Score: 0.56
h-Index: 15
SJR: 0.182
Ranking: 20180

About Soldagem e Inspecao

Aim and ScopeThe Soldagem & Inspeção - (S&I) journal is a techno-scientific journal created in 1995. Printed issues of this journal are distributed free of charge to libraries in Brazil, Latin America and the Iberian Peninsula. It has been printed regularly every quarter since September, 2002, and, since the beginning of 2007, its electronic version is available in the address: ( The journal is sponsored by the Brazilian Welding Association (ABS). Presently, its Editor-in-Chief is Paulo J. Modenesi, Associate Professor of the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). The journal also counts with seven Associate Editors and an Editorial Board of 23 referees.

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