Nonlinear Dynamics Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

Nonlinear Dynamics in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: Netherlands
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Springer Netherlands
History: 1990-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 0924090X, 1573269X

Research Categories

Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Applied Mathematics (Q1); Control and Systems Engineering (Q1); Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Ocean Engineering (Q1)

Impact Score: 5.71
h-Index: 135
SJR: 1.285
Ranking: 2772

About Nonlinear Dynamics

Aim and ScopeThe scope of the journal encompasses all nonlinear dynamic phenomena associated with mechanical, structural, civil, aeronautical, ocean, electrical and control systems. Review articles and original contributions based on analytical, computational, and experimental methods are solicited, dealing with such topics as perturbation and computational methods,symbolic manipulation,dynamic stability,local and global methods,bifurcations,chaos,deterministic and random vibrations,Lie groups,multibody dynamics,robotics,fluid-solid interactions,system modelling and identification,friction and damping models,signal analysis,measurement techniques.

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