Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Elsevier Ltd.
History: 1998-2023
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 13698001

Research Categories

Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Condensed Matter Physics (Q2); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanics of Materials (Q2)

Impact Score: 4.51
h-Index: 77
SJR: 0.688
Ranking: 7265

About Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing

Aim and ScopeMaterials Science in Semiconductor Processing provides a unique and much needed forum for the discussion of experimental and theoretical materials research stimulated by and applied to semiconductor processing. Each issue will aim to provide a snapshot of current comprehension, new achievements, breakthroughs and future trends in such fields as ion implantation, diffusion and gettering, process and equipment modelling, metallization and interconnects, packaging, etc, which are the backbone of semiconductor device processing.

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