Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: United States
Journal Q tier: Q2
Publishing Firm: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
History: 1992-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 10577157, 19410158

Research Categories

Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2)

Impact Score: 2.87
h-Index: 150
SJR: 0.651
Ranking: 7808

About Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems

Aim and ScopeA journal covering Microsensing, Microactuation, Micromechanics, Microdynamics, and Microelectromechanical Systems (MEMS). Contains articles on devices with dimensions that typically range from macrometers to millimeters, microfabrication techniques, microphenomena; microbearings, and microsystems; theoretical, computational, modeling and control results; new materials and designs; tribology; microtelemanipulation; and applications to biomedical engineering, optics, fluidics, etc. The Journal is jointly sponsored by the IEEE Electron Devices (ED), IEEE Industrial Electronics (IE) and IEEE Robotics and Automation (RA) societies and is a publication both of IEEE and The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).

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