International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: Netherlands
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Springer Netherlands
History: 2005-2006, 2008-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 15691713

Research Categories

Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q2)

Impact Score: 3.96
h-Index: 41
SJR: 0.814
Ranking: 5817

About International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design

Aim and ScopeIt is the objective of this journal to provide an effective medium for the dissemination of recent advances and original works in mechanics and materials engineering and their impact on the design process in an integrated, highly focused and coherent format.Analytical synopsis of contents:The following non-exhaustive list is considered to be within the scope of the International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design: Intelligent Design: - Nano-engineering and Nano-science in Design;- Smart Materials and Adaptive Structures in Design;- Mechanism(s) Design;- Design against Failure;- Design for Manufacturing;- Design of Ultralight Structures;- Design for a Clean Environment;- Impact and Crashworthiness;- Microelectronic Packaging Systems.

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