International Journal of Impact Engineering Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

International Journal of Impact Engineering in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Elsevier Ltd.
History: 1983-2023
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 0734743X

Research Categories

Aerospace Engineering (Q1); Automotive Engineering (Q1); Civil and Structural Engineering (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1); Mechanics of Materials (Q1); Ocean Engineering (Q1); Safety, Risk, Reliability and Quality (Q1)

Impact Score: 5.31
h-Index: 143
SJR: 1.502
Ranking: 2130

About International Journal of Impact Engineering

Aim and ScopeThe International Journal of Impact Engineering, established in 1983, has as its objective the publication of original research findings related to the response of structures, bodies and materials from the exposure to impact and blast events. Pertinent areas encompass the following general topics and those associated with them: - Structural impact and failure - Energy absorbing systems - Terminal ballistics - Dynamic material behaviour and failure - Stress waves - Structural crashworthiness - Blast loading coupled with response of structures - High-speed mechanical and forming processes - Hazards assessments, safety and protection involving impact and blast loading

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