International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering
International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems in Mechanical Engineering
Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q3
Publishing Firm: Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
History: 2004-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 17415152, 1744232X
Research Categories
Automotive Engineering (Q3); Mechanical Engineering (Q4)
About International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems
Aim and ScopeIJHVS provides an authoritative source of information and an international forum in the field of on/off road heavy vehicle systems, including buses. It is a highly professional and refereed journal which forms part of the proceedings of the International Association for Vehicle Design. IAVD is an independent, non-profit, learned society which provides a forum for professionals in both industry and academic institutions to meet, exchange ideas and disseminate knowledge in the field of automotive engineering, technology, and management.
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