International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: Netherlands
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Elsevier
History: 1979-1980, 1982-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 0142727X

Research Categories

Condensed Matter Physics (Q1); Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes (Q1); Mechanical Engineering (Q1)

Impact Score: 2.89
h-Index: 122
SJR: 0.842
Ranking: 5539

About International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow

Aim and ScopeAdvances in the understanding of heat transfer and fluid flow continue to be crucial in achieving improved performance and efficiency in a broad range of mechanical and process plants. The International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow welcomes high-quality original contributions on experimental, computational, and physical aspects of convective heat transfer and fluid dynamics relevant to engineering or the environment, including multiphase and microscale flows.

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