IET Intelligent Transport Systems Impact Factor in Mechanical Engineering

IET Intelligent Transport Systems in Mechanical Engineering

Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
History: 2007-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 17519578, 1751956X

Research Categories

Law (Q1); Environmental Science (miscellaneous) (Q2); Mechanical Engineering (Q2); Transportation (Q2)

Impact Score: 3.31
h-Index: 58
SJR: 0.681
Ranking: 7371

About IET Intelligent Transport Systems

Aim and ScopeIET Intelligent Transport Systems is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to research into the practical applications of intelligent transport systems and infrastructures. The scope of this journal includes Information Collection and Processing; In-Vehicle ITS, Safety and Vulnerable Road User Aspects; Public Transport; Demand Management and Electronic Payment Systems; Traffic Management; Fleet and Public Transport Logistics; Emergency and Incident Management; Policy and Institutional Issues; Interoperability, Standards and Architectures; Deployment and Evaluation; Sustainability and Environmental Issues; Funding Scenarios; Enforcement; Human Machine Interaction; Education, Training and Outreach; Deployments with Enabling Technologies.

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