Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures Impact Factor in Chemistry Journals

Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures in Chemistry Journals

Journal Country: Germany
Journal Q tier: Q4
Publishing Firm: Walter de Gruyter GmbH
History: 1954, 1956-2022
Journal Homepage: Not Available
Journal ISSN: 14337266

Research Categories

Condensed Matter Physics (Q4); Inorganic Chemistry (Q4); Materials Science (miscellaneous) (Q4)

Impact Score: 0.35
h-Index: 38
SJR: 0.193
Ranking: 19591

About Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures

Aim and ScopeZeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures was founded in 1997 as spin off of Zeitschrift für Kristallographie to meet the high demand to publish results of structure determination.Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures publishesResults of determination of hitherto unknown crystal structuresRefinement of previously published crystal structures

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