Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry Impact Factor in Chemistry Journals

Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry in Chemistry Journals

Journal Country: India
Journal Q tier: Q4
Publishing Firm: Scientific Publishers of India
History: 1996-2021
Journal Homepage: Not Available
Journal ISSN: 09750975, 03764710

Research Categories

Inorganic Chemistry (Q4); Physical and Theoretical Chemistry (Q4)

Impact Score: 0.63
h-Index: 43
SJR: 0.156
Ranking: 21578

About Indian Journal of Chemistry - Section A Inorganic, Physical, Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry

Aim and ScopeStarted in 1963, Indian Journal of Chemistry was bifurcated into two independent journals, Sections A and B, in 1976. Of these, Indian Journal of Chemistry, Sec A publishes papers in synthetic and structural inorganic chemistry, bio-inorganic chemistry, inorganic reaction mechanisms, solid state chemistry, thermodynamics, spectroscopy, theoretical & quantum chemistry, nuclear chemistry, polymers, catalysis and analytical chemistry. Original contributions are published as rapid communications, full papers and short notes. State-of-Art reports on contemporary research are published under the section “Advances in Contemporary Research”.

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