Chemicke Listy Impact Factor in Chemistry Journals

Chemicke Listy in Chemistry Journals

Journal Country: Czech Republic
Journal Q tier: Q4
Publishing Firm: Czech Society of Chemical Engineering
History: 1996-2022
Journal Homepage: Not Available
Journal ISSN: 12137103, 00092770

Research Categories

Chemistry (miscellaneous) (Q4)

Impact Score: 0.47
h-Index: 30
SJR: 0.158
Ranking: 21452

About Chemicke Listy

Aim and ScopeReviews on the development in chemistry and related fields (biochemistry, environmental science, material science, education, pharmaceutics, food science, information science)Original papers on laboratory technique and methodsPapers related to industrial chemistryReviews of new books and software productsDiscussions on the problems of concern in chemical communityPersonal news, meetings, editorial remarks, lectures

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