Reproduction in Domestic Animals Impact Factor in Biotechnology

Reproduction in Domestic Animals in Biotechnology

Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q2
Publishing Firm: Wiley-Blackwell Publishing Ltd
History: 1966-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 14390531, 09366768

Research Categories

Animal Science and Zoology (Q2); Biotechnology (Q3); Endocrinology (Q3)

Impact Score: 1.8
h-Index: 76
SJR: 0.465
Ranking: 11018

About Reproduction in Domestic Animals

Aim and ScopeThe journal offers comprehensive information concerning physiology, pathology, and biotechnology of reproduction. Topical results are currently published in original papers, reviews, and short communications with particular attention to investigations on practicable techniques.

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