Mycopathologia Impact Factor in Biotechnology

Mycopathologia in Biotechnology

Journal Country: Netherlands
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Springer Netherlands
History: 1938-1941, 1943, 1948-1950, 1959-1962, 1973-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 15730832, 0301486X

Research Categories

Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1); Veterinary (miscellaneous) (Q1); Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (Q2); Microbiology (Q2)

Impact Score: 5.11
h-Index: 82
SJR: 0.771
Ranking: 6295

About Mycopathologia

Aim and ScopeMycopathologia, founded in 1938, is an international journal devoted to the study of the role of fungi in disease and biodeterioration. As such, the journal covers a diverse, interdisciplinary range of topics that is unique in breadth and depth, including original articles and critical reviews highlighting important developments in the fields of medical and veterinary mycology, mycotoxicoses and mycotoxins, molecular mycology, environmental aeromycology, entomopathogenic fungi and applied industrial mycology. The journal also welcomes papers on systematics and taxonomy of fungi involved in any of the above fields.

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