Molecular Breeding Impact Factor in Biotechnology

Molecular Breeding in Biotechnology

Journal Country: Netherlands
Journal Q tier: Q1
Publishing Firm: Springer Netherlands
History: 1995-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 13803743, 15729788

Research Categories

Agronomy and Crop Science (Q1); Plant Science (Q1); Biotechnology (Q2); Genetics (Q2); Molecular Biology (Q2)

Impact Score: 3.25
h-Index: 111
SJR: 0.831
Ranking: 5657

About Molecular Breeding

Aim and ScopeMolecular Breeding is an international journal focused on applications of plant molecular biology: research most likely leading to practical applications with demonstrable benefits for farmers, the seed and processing industries, the environment and the consumer in both the industrialized and the developing world.Papers chosen for publication contribute to the understanding and progress of modern plant breeding, encompassing the scientific disciplines of molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, physiology, pathology, plant breeding and ecology, among others.

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