IET Systems Biology Impact Factor in Biotechnology

IET Systems Biology in Biotechnology

Journal Country: United Kingdom
Journal Q tier: Q3
Publishing Firm: John Wiley & Sons Inc.
History: 2007-2022
Journal Homepage: ----
Journal ISSN: 17518857, 17518849

Research Categories

Biotechnology (Q3); Modeling and Simulation (Q3); Cell Biology (Q4); Genetics (Q4); Molecular Biology (Q4)

Impact Score: 2.49
h-Index: 51
SJR: 0.354
Ranking: 13589

About IET Systems Biology

Aim and ScopeIET Systems Biology covers intra- and inter-cellular dynamics, using systems- and signal-oriented approaches. Papers that analyse genomic data in order to identify variables and basic relationships between them are considered if the results provide a basis for mathematical modelling and simulation of cellular dynamics. Manuscripts on molecular and cell biological studies are encouraged if the aim is a systems approach to dynamic interactions within and between cells. The scope of the journal also includes: Genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics, cells, tissue and the physiome; Molecular and cellular interactions; gene, cell and protein function; Networks and pathways; Metabolism and cell signalling.

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